Mallorca with a promising start to the 2022 season

The desire to go on holiday after two years of pandemic is huge all over Europe and so with spring temperatures of 20 degrees, hundreds of thousands of holiday-makers from all over Europe are spending their Easter holidays in Mallorca. The Corona rules are currently being relaxed and the requirement to wear a mask was removed on April 19th, so that the most popular holiday island in Europe is starting into a promising 2022 season. Hotels and holiday-home owners can look forward to record bookings.

The real estate market in Mallorca has shown itself to be unimpressed by the pandemic

The real estate market in Mallorca has shown itself to be unimpressed by the pandemic

Traditionally the tourist season in Mallorca begins with Easter week, one of the highlights for years having been the Easter procession at the Calvary mountain in Pollensa, popular not only amongst religiously-minded people. This year once again large numbers of spectators gathered along the historic ‘Escalinata’, which consists of exactly 365 steps and is one of the landmarks for devout Christians. In the early evening, the procession started at the Klaustrum at the top of Calvary mountain and should certainly not be missed next year by those who have never witnessed it.

Europe’s most popular holiday island has put the pandemic behind it

Not only the Easter procession, however, has shown that Mallorca is still popular – this has also been confirmed by the tourism industry. German airlines, led by Lufthansa and TuiFly, are once again fully committed to the Balearic Islands and Spain after 2 years of tough pandemic restrictions. The current forecasts foresee a passenger increase of at least 10 percent compared to the pre-crisis year 2019, and according to the Mallorcan hoteliers’ association FEHM the booking situation is now almost back to the level in 2019. In the Easter week, the occupancy rate of hotel beds was around 85 per cent, whereas in comparison, according to the FEHM in 2021 it was only 17 percent.

In addition owners who rent out their finca properties as investment objects can look forward to a profitable summer. According to Bookiply, the cooperation partner of Porta Holiday, bookings in the first quarter of 2022 have increased fivefold compared to the previous year. Those still looking for a holiday finca or an apartment to rent during the summer will find more than 3000 accommodation possibilities, all with best price guarantee, on

Generally no mask required after April 19th

Spaniards are once again largely living a normal life and incidence rates are falling thanks, in part, to the high Spanish vaccination rate. For a long time the Balearic Islands government was particularly cautious in its pandemic management compared with the rest of the country, but has now relaxed its measures considerably. In gastronomy and theatres everything has been open again for a considerable time. On April 19, the compulsory wearing of masks in interior spaces was no longer required in Mallorca and the rest of Spain. Exceptions to this, however, which should still be expected are in the health sector and at larger events where large numbers of people gather in a confined space. This is, nevertheless, an important step.

It is also worth mentioning that those who have been vaccinated do not need to present a test when entering Spain, and the ‘Spain Travel Health’ entry form is also no longer mandatory if the traveler can present a digital EU Corona certificate.

New study confirms: Real estate in Mallorca is in high demand

The real estate market in Mallorca has shown itself to be unimpressed by the pandemic, and to own your own home and investment object on the island remains a lifelong dream. Those intending to purchase a holiday home on the largest island of the Balearics, however, must choose from a much smaller range of offers in comparison to last year and should be prepared to make a fast decision and pay a higher price. This conclusion was reached by an independent market study carried out on behalf of the real estate company Porta Mallorquina Real Estate.

Infographic Mallorca Real Estate 2022

Furthermore, experts do not see an end to the real estate boom in Mallorca, and while the supply of properties has fallen by around 18 percent compared to the previous year, prices have also increased by up to 18 percent. Details of the study can be found here.