
Mallorca, News

Mallorca: tech-cluster for tourism companies from all over the world.

The island focuses tourism know-how like no other place and the ParcBit near Palma has developed into a tech meeting point for the tourist industry. Stefanie Claudia Müller, Palma de Mallorca The Spanish head of government Pedro Sanchez said last year that he wants to make Spain a 'start-up nation'. The country fulfils all the prerequisites for this and the various governing parties in the Balearics have tried for years to initiate a start-up boom. The regional government wants to free itself of its dependence on the fluctuating seasonal tourism business which threatens to explode, in particular the cruise ships. Fifteen years ago during the internet bubble, however, many of the companies went bankrupt again. Now, however, the breakthrough seems to have happened. Camper, Hotelbed...
Mallorca, Real Estate

Useful tips for selling property in Majorca

To ensure that the sale of your property in Majorca goes through smoothly, you should bear a few things in mind. We have put together the most important points for the legal sale of a property in Majorca in our guideline “Useful Tips for Selling Property in Majorca”. Please note that this guideline does not constitute legal advice, but is purely for information purposes. Depending on the individual case, it is recommended that you consult a solicitor in Majorca before selling. Porta Mallorquina Real Estate has been working with reputable solicitors for many years and will be happy to give you suitable recommendations. For a smooth sale, you should have the following documents relating to your property: Energy certificate (mandatory since 2013, also required before the proper...
Mallorca, Menorca, Porta Mallorquina

Ibiza, Menorca or Mallorca, which island suits you best?

The Balearics, along with the Canary Islands, have established themselves as one of the major European expatriate destinations although the three main islands differ extensively from each other. Stephanie Claudia Müller, Palma de Mallorca Deike Werner lives in Berlin but often dreams of Spain, in particular of Menorca: ''I have fallen in love with the island''. Whenever she feels under pressure in her everyday life  she searches the internet for interesting properties for sale on the island: ''To have a home somewhere else is a very attractive thought''. The Balearics continue to be the hotspot for foreigners who want to live in Spain, even if it is only for a few months each year. Some rent a property for the time on the island, and others buy something to be able to come mo...
Mallorca, News

With two new locations, Porta Mallorquina strengthens its leading position in the Mallorcan real estate market.

Mallorca is one of the most attractive real estate markets in Europe. And it is the core market for Homes & Holiday AG (ISIN: DE000A2GS5M9), specialists in holiday real estate in Spain, and city real estate in Germany. The subsidiary company Porta Mallorquina is one of the leading real estate agents in Mallorca and has strengthened this position with two new licenses. The sales region of Mallorcas centre was assigned to Nicole Neipp and Roland Schepp. The new franchise partners took control of the region with immediate effect and will open a real estate office in Santa Maria this year. So far, the region was managed by Porta Mallorquina itself. The centre of the island is characterized by many beautiful country villas and fincas, and is becoming increasingly popular with buyer...

Good Friday procession in Pollensa

Good Friday procession on the Calvary Hill in Pollensa – a spectacle worth seeing Dear Majorca Friends, The annual Easter Procession on the Calvary Hill in Pollensa will take place again Good Friday, 19th April. Once again, several hundred of the faithful, tourists and participants will gather along the historic “Escalinata”, which comprises exactly 365 steps and is a landmark for Christian believers, representing penance and absolution of sins (one step for every day of the year). The spectacle actually begins in the early evening at the cloisters at the top of Calvary Hill, where all participants congregate and prepare themselves for the procession to the sound of church music. This in itself has an extremely striking and charismatic feel. Calvary Hill in Pollensa Sin...
Mallorca, Real Estate

The dream of your own vineard

For more and more Mallorca fans the views of the sea are no longer enough – they want to get into 'farming'. from Stefanie Claudia Müller Klaus Heinemann is a successful businessman, consultant and member of numerous supervisory boards in Germany. For him Mallorca is the resting place between his travels and meetings. The Spain-resident with his company headquarters on the island represents a new trend – the wish not just to lie on the beach but to really merge with the local life and people. Stressed managers like him want to make a real home in Mallorca. ''After spending a few years on the beach people often feel drawn towards the inner part of the island, seeking not only more tranquillity and less tourism, but also wanting to build something of their own on the island'', ...
Mallorca, News, Real Estate

Palma becomes a cultural and business hub

Trendy districts in the Mallorcan capital include Monti-Sion and Santa Catalina. The old town remains permanently popular together with Portixol. Stefanie Claudia Müller, Palma de Mallorca   Tim Wirth has lived in Mallorca for more than 20 years, and his heart has always belonged to to Palma: "When I first came here everything was still very provincial. Now, however, it is an international business centre and less a tourist hotspot." The lawyer, who specializes in real estate, loves to walk through the relatively small and quiet old town after work where you can go from one bar to the other throughout the evening, eat tapas and meet interesting new people. He recommends, among other places, the restaurant "Casa Gallega" and the bar Flexas in the street of the same na...
Mallorca, News

As much as 50% subsidyfor solar systems in Mallorca

Around 300 days of sunshine per year are not only good for the soul, but are also an interesting alternative energy source. The Balearic Ministry for the Environment has issued a new support programme  for solar and photovoltaic systems.   Amongst other things the programme specifically targets private individuals who install systems with a capacity of up to 3 kWp, if their generated electricity is fed into the public grid. In this way their investment can be subsidised by up to 50% with public funds. Applications should be submitted to the Ministry for the Environment of the Balearic Islands by the 29.03.2019.
Holiday Rental, Mallorca

From breakfast service to a private cooking event – why not spoil yourself in your holiday finca!

By Bettina Neumann Holidaying in your own finca is undoubtedly one of the most popular and relaxing holiday options. Privacy, independence and tranquillity are just a few of the great benefits of having your own holiday property, even though it is only rented. The only problem (for some people) is the cooking! Eating out in a restaurant every day seems to be the simplest solution initially, and the island impresses with an immense gastronomic selection for every taste and budget. A communal meal in the holiday finca, however, for two, with the family, or together with friends can definitely be a highlight and does not have to involve going shopping or cleaning the kitchen afterwards. Simply order a private chef ! Private cooking events, including breakfast service, are current...
Mallorca, News

Sundry tax information – what owners of Mallorca real estate need to know in 2018

The acquisition There are three ways to become the owner of a property – buy it, inherit it, or receive it as a gift. A buyer has to deal either with sales tax (10% on completed residential real estate) or with land transfer tax (8 to 11 per cent).  In the case of an inheritance worth up to 700.000 euros the heir pays a Balearic inheritance tax of 1 per cent, always providing that he is a direct relative (spouse, child, grandchild or also, for example, parents) and has no other Spanish assets. Beware: In the case of other family relationships (brother, daughter-in-law, etc.) it becomes much more expensive. In the case of gifts, under the same ideal conditions as for inheritance the recipient would pay 7 per cent gift tax. Beware: The tax consequences for the benefactor can be consi...