Christmas Markets in Mallorca
From Mulled Wine to Turrón: The Firas de Nadal Bring Christmas Cheer Despite Mild Temperatures
Christmas markets are booming on the island and are gaining popularity every year, meaning there’s always a new one to discover. They’re a great opportunity to sample traditional Mallorcan Christmas treats, with an impressive variety on offer. Apart from Spain’s most important Christmas sweet, Turrón – almond nougat in various forms – there are Polvorónes: dry and sweet Christmas cookies that crumble in your mouth (from polvo = dust). You’ll also find all kinds of Christmas biscuits called Crespells, sweet snowflake-shaped wafers known as Neules, and Coca de Patata – potato bread, now flavored with anise, among other delights. Naturally, gingerbread and mulled wine are also available, as M...